All Athletes must wear the mandatory approved centre uniform with the correct LAVic approved registration patch fastened on the front. Melton City singlet and shorts with Melton City logo are purchased from centre. Additional approved LAVic logo will be supplied and is required to be affixed to the singlet. Same uniform is to be used for LAVic, region and State events. Black or white long sleeve tops may be worn underneath if it is cold.
NOTE: It is a mandatory LAVic requirement for athlete name patch to be worn during competition. Whilst we will allow athletes to compete on the day at centre level, if not worn, it will mean that athletes will not receive any results for the day. If a committee member recognizes an athlete is in the incorrect uniform, the athlete & parent will be warned. Further infringement means that the athlete will not receive results for the day.
Competitors must wait at the designated meeting point until taken to their event. Each age group is under the control of the Age Group Manager for the day.
No parents or spectators under any circumstances unless officiating will be permitted on the infield of the track.
Misbehaviour of athletes should be referred to the Competition Director or Executive Committee. All event Officials reserve the right to disqualify an athlete for misbehaviour at the particular event.
Any protest must be directed through the Competition Director and not directly to the Official or helpers.
Appropriate running footwear must be worn at all times. No spikes to be worn for walks. U6-U10 are not permitted to wear spikes. U11-12 can wear spikes for track events up to 400m, jumps & javelin. U13-17 can wear spikes for all track events, jumps & javelin. Spikes are to be carried to events and removed as soon as the event is completed.
Athletes wearing spikes in a sprint event, performing a crouch start, must use blocks.
A crouch start can be used in all laned events for the Under 11 to 17 age groups. Athletes may also do a standing start.
The High Jump area is out of bounds at all times other than when an event is in progress. Any athlete found playing on the jumping bags after an initial warning may be disqualified from competition.
On leaving the recording area, athletes must return to their parents or the spectator area.
Parent duty should sign in at least 15 minutes prior to the start of competition.
A track competitor is liable for disqualification if he/she: •Breaks the start twice. •Steps out of his/her lane or leaves the track area •Makes unnecessary contact or hinders other competitors during a race.
A competitor is judged and timed only when his/her torso (neck to hips) crosses the finishing line. Hands, legs, or heads to not count.
Under no circumstances is a competitor or spectator permitted to run alongside the track whilst a race is in progress.
To be eligible for presentation end of season awards athletes MUST compete in at least 60% of the available program and parents must have carried out required parent duty allocations.
All dates and events are subject to change by either LAVic, Region or the Centre.
All dates and events are subject to change due to weather and track conditions.
If in doubt, contact the Competition Director or Executive Committee.